Know About us

Medicine can treat the tangible human whereas compassion can heal the intangible human.
- Dr. Kailash Naath Gupta

Feeling the pain of others and compassionately trying to heal them are two entirely separate dimensions of the same phenomenon. The former occurs with most but being empowered to bring about a change in the lives of others who are in pain is a rare occurrence. Often, these rarely occurring empowered & compassionate individuals are tagged as messiahs by those who receive their compassionate concern and help.

Our Journey

How we create impact

Bringing about a change in the lives of those who are the neglected cult of the society needs courage, conviction, compassion & determination.

Dr. Kailash Naath Gupta practices medicine as an art of healing the ones in pain and compassionately endows it with a stroke of humanitarian empathy. A rare combination of practicalities with intense emotional quotient (EQ), Dr. Kailash Naath Gupta has challenged his spiritual compassion with one of the most pressing issues of today’s times; that of the third gender.


Lives Impacted


Professional projects


Students coached


Empowering the neglected third gender through education, rights advocacy, and compassion-driven support for a life of dignity and self-respect.

At Vrihnla Foundation, our mission is five-fold:

EDUCATIONCreating a strong base of awareness & making them educationally equipped

FIGHTING FOR THEIR RIGHTS: To fight for their rights which have been denied to them for several decades

BUILDING SOCIAL APPROVAL & ACCEPTANCE: To build a social acceptance pattern both within their minds in the internal paradigm & within their surrounding set-up in the external paradigm

FINANCIAL EMPOWERMENT: To alleviate their sufferings by making them available the fundamental necessities so as to enable them to live an empowered life and not just an assisted life.

HELP: By means of ensuring their empowerment, bringing them into the mainstream of life that earns them adequte self-respect without an identity war.

Meet Our Team

Discover the Hearts Behind Vrihnla

Leonard John Davies

Vice Chairman


"Dr. Kailash Naath Gupta's visionary leadership at Vrihnla Foundation is inspiring. Their focus on skill development and identity recognition is paving the way for a more inclusive society"
Amit Gupta
"Vrihnla Foundation's dedication to the third gender community is unmatched. Their collaborations and partnerships demonstrate a collective effort to bring about real change."
Deepak Singh
"The work Vrihnla Foundation does goes beyond charity; it's about fostering independence and respect. The stories of empowerment they share are proof that change is possible."
Sneha Patel

Our Partners

Our journey is made possible through partnerships that share our commitment to change. The Centre for Chest Diseases, led by Dr. Kailash Naath Gupta, and Visage Analytics Pvt. Ltd. are integral parts of our collaborative efforts. With a dedicated team of individuals and partners, we are united in driving this mission forward.

Our shop

As part of our commitment to financial empowerment, we offer a platform for the third gender community to showcase their creative talents and skills. Our shop features unique creations crafted by them, allowing you to not only appreciate their artistry but also contribute to their empowerment. Every purchase is a step towards transforming lives and integrating the third gender into the fabric of society. Join us in making a difference. Embrace compassion, advocate for change, and be part of the journey towards a more inclusive and empowered world.

About Us