
Ally Guide 101: How to Stand by the Transgender Community in India

Supporting transgender people is not just about understanding their struggles, but also about actively working to create a more inclusive and accepting society. As allies, we have a powerful role to play in advocating for transgender rights and helping to dismantle the prejudices they face. Here’s a guide on how to be a supportive ally to the transgender community in India.

Understand the Basics

First, it’s essential to understand who transgender people are. Transgender individuals are those whose gender identity differs from the sex they were assigned at birth. In India, they are often referred to as the third gender, including hijras, kothis, and other identities. The 2011 Census estimated that there are around 500,000 transgender people in India, but activists believe the number is much higher.

Educate Yourself

Being an ally starts with education. Learn about the history, culture, and contributions of the transgender community in India. Notable figures like Gauri Sawant, Laxmi Narayan Tripathi, and Kalki Subramaniam have made significant strides in advocating for transgender rights. Their stories are inspiring and educational.

Use Respectful Language

Language matters. Always use a person’s chosen name and pronouns. If you’re unsure about someone’s pronouns, it’s okay to ask politely. Avoid using terms that are offensive or outdated. The term “hijra” can be used respectfully, but context and consent are crucial. For a general term, “transgender” or “trans” is appropriate.

Stand Up Against Discrimination

Transgender people in India face significant discrimination in many areas of life, including employment, healthcare, and housing. The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) reported that 92% of transgender people are deprived of the right to participate in any form of economic activity in the country. As an ally, you can stand up against discrimination by speaking out when you see it and supporting policies that promote equality.

Advocate for Legal Rights

The landmark 2014 Supreme Court judgment legally recognized the third gender in India, granting them fundamental rights. Despite this, many transgender individuals still face legal challenges. Support organizations that are working to enforce these rights and advocate for new policies that protect transgender people. The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019, was a step forward, but many believe it needs to be strengthened to address the community’s needs effectively.

Support Transgender-Led Organizations

Several organizations in India are led by transgender individuals and work tirelessly to support the community. Groups like the Humsafar Trust, Sahodari Foundation, Vrihnla Foundation, and Sakhi Char Chowghi Trust provide essential services, including healthcare, counseling, and legal aid. Supporting these organizations through donations, volunteering, or spreading the word can make a significant impact.

Be Inclusive in Daily Life

Inclusion starts with everyday actions. If you’re an employer, ensure your workplace is welcoming to transgender employees. This includes having non-discrimination policies, providing gender-neutral restrooms, and respecting employees’ names and pronouns. As a friend or family member, offer your support, listen without judgment, and educate others about transgender issues.

Real-Life Examples of Allyship

One real-life example of effective allyship is the story of Sonal Giani, a prominent LGBTQ+ rights activist. She co-founded the LGBT youth support group Yaariyan and the LGBT workplace support network Umang. Her work has created safe spaces for transgender individuals and promoted their inclusion in various spheres of life.

Another example is the Vicks advertisement featuring Gauri Sawant, which portrayed her role as a mother and humanized her story. This kind of representation in mainstream media helps break down stereotypes and fosters greater acceptance.

Spread Awareness and Educate Others

Use your voice and platform to spread awareness about transgender issues. Share articles, attend pride events, and engage in conversations about transgender rights. Education and awareness are key to changing societal attitudes.


Being an ally to transgender people in India involves more than just passive support; it requires active engagement, education, and advocacy. By understanding the challenges transgender individuals face and taking concrete steps to support them, we can help build a society that respects and values everyone, regardless of their gender identity. 

Together, we can make a difference. Join us in our journey toward a promising and more inclusive future. Get in touch at